Virginia K-12 Schools Closure: How Schools Will Be Working For The Completion of Courses?

Virginia government has announced to close the K-12 schools for the rest of the academic year. This decision was made by Ralph Northam on Monday. According to him, school closure is necessary to minimize the speed of spreading the COVID-19. Moreover, he has also said that it is also necessary to protect the health care system of our country. He has ordered the schools authorities that they should close the schools for at least two weeks. Northam is the second minister who has announced to close the schools for the rest of the year because, before him, Kana Laura Kelly has announced the same decision in the last week.

When Northam announced the decision of the closure of schools, he has not stated the immediate future of the schools in Virginia. According to him, it is the responsibility of the local school authorities to teach new material to the students. For this reason, state superintendent of public instruction, James Lane has given some instructions. According to him, they are connecting with the school divisions to know either they have completed the course or not. After getting views from the school divisions, they will be able to prepare new plans. Nowadays, they have several plans like they can extend the new school year and they can also embed the curriculum of this year in the next year’s curriculum.

Due to the dangers of COVID-19, school authorities across the world are thinking for the long closure. Under such a situation, there are lots of possibilities behind them like they can cancel the standards of the learning tests. The members of the Roanoke Country School Board have also started to discuss the employees. They have decided to prepare a leave policy for the employees. Moreover, they have also decided to supply food to the employees constantly. Moreover, they are also getting suggestions from the federal government about the better future of the students. For this reason, they have asked the students and their parents to stay connected with the school authorities. School authorities will provide them with a complete plan for the future.

Nicely has also given his statement about this misery situation. According to him, no doubt, it is a challenging and difficult time for us but to think about the better future of the students is our responsibility. That’s why they are working to provide better resilient and better support to the students. He has also expressed his disappointment for the high school students. Its reason is that they are not able to participate in the traditional milestones. According to Nicely, it is estimated that the classwork will be started in the summer and he has promised with the high school students that they will find some creative ways to celebrate the class of 2020. Moreover, the school authorities are also thinking about online education. Its reason is that if they are not able to overcome the problems of COVID-19 for the next two to three months, there is a possibility of emergency at the state level. Anyhow, schools are trying to engage the students by providing them with different assignment help.