How Long Your Graduate Dissertation Should Be?

How Long Graduate Dissertation Should Be

There are no standards for the length of a dissertation across the world. Its reason is that the length of a dissertation varies from one university to another university. There are also some universities where different departments have different requirements for the length of a dissertation. When students ask about the length of the dissertation from their supervisors, they don’t get satisfactory answers to these questions. Most of the supervisors provide suggestions to their students that they should focus on the dissertation defence rather than dissertation length. Anyhow, the average length of a PhD dissertation consists of 100 to 200 pages. On the other hand, the average length of a master’s or bachelor’s thesis is less than 100 pages.

After deciding the length of a dissertation, you will have to get an idea about the length of the different sections of a dissertation. Its reason is that a dissertation is divided into different sections and the importance of different sections of a dissertation is also different so you can’t complete it without hiring a dissertation writing service. For example, if you are asked to write a 100 pages dissertation, you should decide how much pages are included in different sections of the dissertation. If you are following the standard format of the dissertation, you will have to include 250 words on a page. If you are writing 100 pages dissertation, you will have to write 25,000 words. To break 25,000 words into different sections, you should understand the length of the different sections of the dissertation.

The first and the most important section of your dissertation is known as an introduction. The percentage of this essential section of the dissertation is 10%. In the case of pages, the introductory section should consist of 10 pages. If you are talking about words, the introductory section of your dissertation should consist of 2,500 words. In these 10 pages of the introductory section, you should explain the topic and context of your dissertation. You should also explain the focus, scope, relevance and importance of the dissertation. After the introductory chapter, you will have to write the literature review chapter of the dissertation. The length of this chapter is 30%. It means it should consist of 30 pages. Moreover, the word count of this section should be 7,500.

In the literature review chapter of the dissertation, you will have to present the context of the existing literature. It means that you will have to provide an overview of the current knowledge relevant to your topic idea. You should also try to explain the gap in the existing literature. The third most important chapter of your dissertation is known as a research methodology. Its length is 15% of the length of the whole dissertation. If you have to write 100 pages dissertation, the research methodology section should consist of 15 pages. The words of this essential chapter of the dissertation should be 3,750. In the research methodology section of the dissertation, you should try to provide a complete overview of the research methodology that you have adopted to gather the data for your dissertation.

After the research methodology section, you will have to write the results section of the dissertation. Its length is only 5% of the length of the whole dissertation. In 100 pages dissertation, it should consist of 5 pages. The word count of this essential chapter of the dissertation should be 1,250. This essential chapter of the dissertation presents the main findings of the dissertation. The fifth most important chapter of the dissertation is known as discussion. Its length is 30% of the whole length of the dissertation. In 100 pages dissertation, it should consist of 30 pages. The word count of this essential chapter of the dissertation should be 7,500. In the discussion chapter of the dissertation, you will have to develop the meanings and importance of your dissertation.

The last section of the dissertation assignment solution is known as the conclusion. The length of this essential chapter of the dissertation is 10%. In 100 pages dissertation, its length should be 10 pages. In the form of words, its length should be 2,500 words. In the concluding section of the dissertation, you will have to summarize the most important points of your dissertation. You will have to state the answers to the research questions. It is also necessary for you to make recommendations for future work. This is the breakdown of 100 pages dissertation into different sections. Based on the requirements of your supervisor, you can adjust the length of different sections of the dissertation by following the same techniques. The best way to get an idea about the length of your dissertation is to discuss it with your supervisor.