To engage our day to day lives, we have to use writing. We can divide writing into different kinds. Academic writing, creative writing and technical writing are some important kinds of writing. If we have to write something in academic disciplines, we have to use academic writing. To write something by using this writing style, we have to use a specific set of skills. If we compare this writing style with other forms of writing, we will know that it is a formal, objective and concise form of writing than other forms of writing. Moreover, we have to use this writing style for academics. That’s why we have to follow a specific structure.
What is Academic Writing?
Academic writing is a specialized type of writing. When we have to write something by following this writing style, we have to follow specific rules, practices and guidelines. For example, we have to present the ideas by following a specific and formal structure. After creating the content, we have to cite sources. To cite these sources, we have to follow established styles. While creating content by using this writing style, we have to follow a formal tone. Moreover, we have to keep in mind conventional grammar, spelling and punctuation rules. To make it the best part of the academic documents, teachers start to teach it from the primary level. Anyhow, if you will have to create graduate or undergraduate documents, you will have to use a higher level of academic writing.
What is Non-Academic Writing?
If you will have to create content about a general topic rather than academic, we call it non-academic writing. The audience of this kind of writing is not academics. We have to create this content for the lay audience or the mass public. The nature of these subjects is personal or emotional. Magazine articles and text messages are the most common types of non-academic writing. If you are working within an organization, you will have to write business letters. You will have to write these letters using a non-academic writing style. While creating this kind of content, we have to use either personal or informal language. Sometimes, these kinds of writing projects may also contain slang. By using this kind of writing style, we have to persuade or entertain the people.
Difference between Academic and Non-Academic Writing
Academic writing is a formal style of writing and we have to write it for the scholarly audience. On the other hand, other forms of writing are informal and we have to write it for the mass public. If we have to create academic papers, we have to select a specific topic. In the other forms of writing, we don’t need to focus on general topics. To create content for the academic papers, we have to focus on academic research and academic findings. To create content by using other forms of writing, we have to involve in the general conversation because we have to create content for the general topic. The academicians are the readers of the academic papers. On the other hand, the friends and family members are the readers of the non-academic content.
According to experts of dissertation help firm, no doubt, if we have to create content by using a specific writing style, we have to inform the readers. Anyhow, we can use different techniques to inform the readers. If we have to create content by using academic writing techniques, we have to inform the readers by using solid evidence. In the case of other forms of writing, we have to just entertain or persuade the readers. No doubt, the academicians are the readers of the academic content. They have enough background knowledge. While creating this kind of content, we can use some complex sentences. While creating content by using other forms of writing, we have to create content for general people. Here, we will have to use simple and short sentences.
To create content for the academic papers, we have to conduct in-depth research. Therefore, the main focus of this kind of content is on serious thought. If we have to create content by using other forms of writing, we can create conversational content. After generating academic content, we can cite references. In the case of other forms of writing, we don’t need to cite references. Its reason is that we don’t need to gather the data from the academic resources. No doubt, we have to create academic papers for the institutes. That’s why we have to follow a structured manner to create the content. In the case of non-academic writing, we don’t need to follow a structured manner.
While creating content by using academic writing, you will have to follow a formal way of writing. To create content by using other forms of writing, you will have to follow either formal or informal ways of writing. While creating the academic content, we have to follow a clear and well-planned manner. In the case of non-academic content, you will have to follow a less clear and organized manner. To create content by using an academic writing style, we have to use technical and academic language. On the other hand, if we have to create content by using other forms of writing, we have to use short forms and idioms. For example, if you are working as an educator, you can use the academic writing style to publish a paper in a magazine. On the other hand, the employees of a company can use these languages to create business letters.
Academic writing is the formal and impersonal mode of writing for the scholarly audience. To create content by using this writing style, we have to conduct research and factual evidence. If we have to write something for the lay audience, we can use a non-academic writing style. Here, we have to use informal or casual language. The main purpose of academic content is to inform the readers. For this reason, we have to use solid evidence. To create content by using other forms of writing, we have to inform or entertain the readers. While creating the academic content, we have to follow a standard structure. On the other hand, we can follow a non-rigid structure to create content by following other forms of writing.